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Polane Seepe

Polane Seepe


Professional Coach & Mentor

7 months ago
Polane Seepe

Portability of routines and habits

Our habits and routines are created in specific environments and settings. The same environment helps us in maintaining the habits through cues and rewards they offer. I find it difficult to maintain my habits at the same pace when I temporarily move out of my familiar space/environment for days or weeks. How do you keep your habits going irregardless of the space you find yourself in?

➡️➡️➡️ Polane Seepe
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7 months ago
Polane Seepe

Life cycles take turns

There will be times where you will be liked or favoured. There will be times where you will be disliked. When it's your turn, live through it knowing that a favourable turn is on its way as part of the cycle.

➡️Polane SeepeSeepe
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8 months ago
Polane Seepe

We expect effort to produce favourable outcome and the outcome to bring desired rewards. And then we repeat the cycle.

But life doesn't always work that way. Effort doesn't always produce favourable outcome. When this happens, we need to repeat and adjust the effort to link better to the outcome.

The outcome doesn't always dish out the desired rewards. When this happens, we need to go back and check why the effort and outcome do not align to the rewards we are looking for. We then adjust what needs to be adjusted and repeat again.

This is simply a cycle of life which happens habitually until undesired outcomes or rewards are encountered. The key is to understand anything which disrupts this process, fix and repeat again and Polane Seepe➡️ Polane Seepe
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